Wednesday 26 December 2012

Its Christmas time!!

 Tis' the season to be jolly....

Hello! It's now boxing day morning and nobody (from what I know) is awake right now, I don't even know where my phone is so I'm in front of the laptop typing away about Christmas!

I hope you all had a wonderful one, and if you didn't, well there's always next year :P

But lately I've been thinking alot about Christmas, and as a teenager there has been a difference in how I feel about it. When I was a kid I felt over the moon about Christmas, it was just everything about it. The family and friends, the food, the presents ... the great movies!!

But now I'm almost a young adult (yep I know I probably shouldn't have started with 'But' but please bear with me) Christmas can be a little bit daunting.

'What am i going to wear?'
 'Should I wish (insert person) Merry Christmas or is that a bit weird?...'
'What presents should I give people?'
'I haven't even got half as much money for that'

And as a Christian (again bear with me with the awkward sentence starters) it just makes me think
Seriously Ruth it's supposed to be about Jesus, not about hoping to get an iPhone 5!?

Well I didn't go to far with the present wishing, but you get my drift.

Too many times I hear people say 'I wish I was a child again' and I guess it is because, we worry way too much! So what if you didn't get that exact phone, or exact designer item, or that exact laptop or whatever. You've probably heard this before but I'll say it anyway - Some people don't even have the luxury of having clean water, let alone a Christmas Present!

So just be happy!

Have you ever wondered why we sometimes wish to be kid's again? One of the reasons is that kid's hardly ever worry about wishing people merry Christmas or what they wear, and their handmade presents come from the heart :)

If you got that iPhone then in four months you'd probably want to move on to a better phone.

What matters is that if you are content with what you have right now, you'd be content when you get more!

God Bless you guys and remember : Jesus is the reason for the season!


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